On Malmierca’s Visit: Cuban Spies, Businessmen and ‘Useful Idiots.By Capitol Hill Cubans

This week, Cuba’s Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz, is visiting Washington, D.C., where he will discuss business with Obama Administration officials and be fêted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Let’s be clear: Malmierca is not “the Cuban people.”

Cuba Versus Terrorismo?

U.S. Removed Cuba from Terrorist List After Hezbollah Opened Base on Cuba

FEBRUARY 16, 2016A few years before the Obama administration removed Cuba from the U.S. list of nations that sponsor terrorism Hezbollah established an operational base on the communist island, according to intelligence received by Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State.The information comes straight from electronic mail released by the .....

 "España ha solicitado una vez más a Cuba la extradición de los miembros de la organización terrorista vasca ETA, José Ángel Urtiaga Martínez y José Ignacio Etxarte Urbieta, quienes residen en la isla desde los 80 y tienen causas pendientes en la Audiencia Nacional, asegura una nota del diario" El Mundo.

"Mr. J.Salibi", ciudadano sirio con pasaporte diplomático , subió tranquilamente al avión del vuelo IF 910, línea aérea de la República Democrática Alemana, rumbo a La Habana,donde lo esperaban "funcionarios cubanos".En Berlín ya había conocido al diplomático cubano Juán Miguel Roque Ramirez.


The Cuban Espionage" Game "is not over....

Nota del autor del Blog-Investigación Conexión Habana-Berlin: El gobierno del Presidente Obama continúa su política de acercamiento hacia Cuba pero subestima la capacidad  operativa del  espionaje castrista, especialmente en la esfera militar y  tecnología.El proceso de desinformación e influencia de sus agentes de penetración en el gobierno y comunidad de inteligencia de los Estados Unidos está alcanzando sus objetivos.Todo parece indicar que existe una discreta alianza entre los servicios de inteligencia  cubanos y norteamericanos.

Mr. Carmichael, who led the DIA’s investigation of Montes, said in an interview that other Cuban agents are operating inside the U.S. government.
“I believe that the Cuban Intelligence Service has penetrated the United States government to the same extent that the old East German intelligence service, the Stasi, once penetrated the West German government during the Cold War,” he said.
Havana’s intelligence service shares its stolen secrets with U.S. adversaries, including China, Russia, Iran and Venezuela, Mr. Carmichael said.

El siguiente artículo de Humberto Fontova  corrobora las declaraciones del oficial retirado de la DIA Chris Simmons:"Cuba is intelligence trafficker to the world," stresses Lieut. Col. Chris Simmons, recently retired from the Defense Intelligence Agency. “Among many others, the U.S. military secrets stolen by Castro’s spies have been sold to former regimes ... against them and costing untold American lives.

Humberto Fontova holds an M.A. in Latin American Studies from Tulane University and is the author of four books including his latest, The Longest Romance; The Mainstream Media and Fidel Castro. For more information and for video clips of his Television and college speaking appearances please visit www.hfontova.com.


By Humberto Fontova, TownHall.com
De acuerdo al informe   publicado el pasado 9 de febrero por el Director de Inteligencia  Nacional de Estados Unidos, Rusia, China, Irán y Cuba continuan y aumentan sus actividades de espionaje a objetivos militares y económicos de EE.UU.
"Director of National Intelligence Tells Congress: Russia, China, Iran & Cuba Pose Greatest Espionage Threat to US"

  Douglas Selvage: Hegemonie und Eigeninteressen. Die Etablierung von Geheimdienstbeziehungen zwischen dem Ostblock und Kuba, 1959–1970, in:...