Psicología,Hipnosis y Seguridad del Estado?

Jorge L. García Vázquez

Blog Stasi-MININT Connection

"By popular vote at the Society’s Annual General Meeting held on February 3, 2002, the Society has once again donated $500 to the good works that Marlene Hunter provides in Cuba, where through the Ministry of Interior and Security she teaches health professionals in hypnosis and many other subjects.  In March, the Society received gracious letters of thanks for its contribution from Dr. Jose Rivas Recano*, Profesor Auxiliar y Consultante de Psiquiatria, Dr. Ricardo Garcia Vega of Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas and Dr. Jose A. Sardinas Orozco, Presidente Sociedad Cubana Hipnosis..."

*Capitán(1987) del MININT

Vídeo: "La Ruta Roja del Espionaje"

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